
Natural Homemade Dog Treats for the Dog in Your Life

By Geraldine Dimarco

Commercial products are much more convenient nowadays. If this is so, why do experts and experienced dog owners still subscribe to the thought that natural dog treats are still a better alternative? It is because of the fact that you will have better health the less chemicals and preservatives you have in your system. It is the same way with us humans.

Good news-homemade dog treats are not at all hard to do, regardless of what some people might have told you before. It's not going to take twenty helpers and loading pots upon pots of canine chow. If you plan it and make the necessary preparations well enough, creating these delicious biscuits should be relatively simple and uncomplicated.

Alright, let's begin by knowing what natural is not. Natural dog treats does not imply feeding your pet something that grew out of your tree backyard or whatever it is that sprung out of the ground. While some may be good for us, there are many things that will be detrimental to the dog's system when ingested.

Take for instance the tomato plant. Tomatoes are a good source of vitamins; however, it also contains a substance called atropine. Now, atropine might be harmless to us humans, but it causes erratic heartbeat, tremors and dilated pupils in canines. The highest concentration of atropine is found in the stems and leaves of tomatoes.

Be very careful of the fruits that you include in the dog's meals. Cherries, apricots and apples are fine but make sure you remove the seeds and pits of these completely. The seeds are full of cyanogenic glycosides, a compound which produces cyanide poisoning. Ingesting avocados and grapes will also induce vomiting and diarrhea for the animal as it contains harmful toxins that may damage his organs.

When you look for things to feed your pet-- look up the ingredients to verify if they may cause harm to them first. While there are several food substances that will be bad for them, there are a lot more things you can give them. Do not let the limitations hinder you from creating really good treats for Fido. Homemade snacks and meals are definitely an excellent way to reward him for being the good boy that he is.

Now, what are some of the things that we can serve the dog? Generally, all kinds of meat are fine-- just make sure you chop them up well. If you are cooking them, remove the bones because they present a choking hazard to the animal. Organ meat in small quantities are beneficial to their health. Make use of healthy vegetables like corn, green beans, and carrots as well.

Remember, homemade dog treats doesn't have to be boring. Make them more interesting by adding flavor and other yummy ingredients mixed into it. Take care that you do not over feed them though because obesity has hampered the health of many canines. Exercise careful thought in preparing your dog's meals-- and discover a healthier and happier pet when you do.

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