
Canary Breeding Tips For Beginners

By Liliana Mills

If you would like to enter the world of canary breeding you will need to know the basics. This is a great hobby for bird lovers and it can also be a way of making money if you become successful at it. The main area of concern is ensuring you provide a safe environment for your birds and create somewhere they are comfortable.

You will need to have a lot of room if you are interested in breeding. Canaries do not like to socialize outside of the breeding season. You will need to give them all their own cages, whether in the same room or not. If they are kept together they may kill each other therefore you will have to have enough space to house lots of cages.

Sexing males and females is a difficult task and only experts can do it well. If it is in season you will see the female begin to nest and the male will sing. At other times of the year there are no easy signs to help you learn the sex. When you are buying birds make sure you buy from someone who knows how to do this to avoid disappointment.

In season you can control their interactions by controlling the light they are exposed to. You will know when the female is ready as she will shred materials to make her nest. You will need to add a wire or a plastic nest in the cage too. It is also a good idea to line the nest too as the female may not make a suitable lining for the eggs and chicks to sit on by herself. Avoid wicker nests as they cannot be made sterile or cleaned.

Using a breeding cage is the easiest way to control the breeding. Once the female has made her nest remove the solid divider but keep the mesh divider in place. Once you see that the male and female have made a connection by kissing through the wire you can then remove the wire divider too. Watch what they do carefully as if the male begins attacking you will need to separate them.

When the female lays her eggs you may find as many as eight in the batch. After she sits on the eggs leave them for two days and then hold each egg in front of a light. You should see an embryo and a network of veins inside.

After a few days it is possible to very carefully remove the eggs one by one from the nest and hold them up to the light. By looking at the light you should be able to see the embryo and veins. Check the eggs in five days time and if you can see no embryo inside they have not been fertilized and will need taking out.

In fourteen days starting from when the female sat on her eggs the chicks will hatch which is what canary breeding is all about. From there on the parents instinctively do everything they need to when it comes to raising and caring for the chicks so you can simply watch and enjoy.

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