
It Is Not Difficult To Locate Reputable Silver Labrador Breeders

By Dale Peck

One of the world's best loved dog breeds is the Labrador retriever. Although silver-colored Labradors and charcoal labs are breeds associated with a certain amount of controversy, they have increased in popularity over the past ten years. Fortunately, reputable Silver Labrador breeders are not hard to find.

First discovered in Newfoundland, Canada, Labradors were originally bread to assist fishermen with pulling their nets into their boats from frigid water. From there, the dogs were brought to England where their retrieving instincts were honed further. Now one of the most popular choices for a family pet, such canines are usually characterized by their gentle disposition and their loyalty to their masters.

As mentioned above, there is a bit of controversy regarding purebred Labrador coloring. The AKC does not recognize this type of lab as it does black, yellow, chocolate, or other traditional Labrador colors. However, numerous breeders and owners disregard this disqualification. They state that it is the lineage of the breed that proves its purebred status.

Certain individuals who argue that silver labs are not purebred base their argument on the very that they are a cross between the Weimaraner breed and the traditional lab. However, DNA testing completed in 2002 offered reasonable proof that the dog's status as a purebred should not be doubted. Unfortunately, certain individuals and breeders disregard this conclusion.

Regardless of the controversy surrounding such labs, it is obvious that they have distinct characteristics that set them apart from other dogs. For instance, they have a stiff, short coat that is water resistant. They are also quite muscular, with broad heads and wide muzzles. Virtually all labs, no matter what color they are, have dangling ears that are shaped like a pendant.

The tail of the Labrador is sometimes compared to that of an otter. This is because it is broad at the base where it attaches to the canine's body, and then tapers to a fine point at the end. Labradors are natural swimmers, and have feet that are somewhat webbed, which helps them with this task. Most silver Labradors have pale yellow eyes and gray noses and paw pads.

Because they are so popular, many breeders specialize in raising such labs. For this reason, it is not difficult to find trustworthy breeders in most parts of the country. However, it is important to avoid doing business with a person that one suspects is simply running a puppy mill. Visiting the location where the dogs are raised is always in the pet owner's best interest, as this way he or she can make sure that it is a reputable business. It is never wise to agree to meet a breeder in a different location in order to purchase a dog, as this may be a sign that the breeder is ashamed of the conditions of his or her breeding facility.

Anyone who chooses to purchase such a puppy should make every effort to locate responsible Silver Labrador breeders who run clean and orderly kennels. Additionally, it is always in one's best interest to ask to see the paperwork of each dog he or she is considering. Ultimately, anyone who adds such a dog to his or her household will likely find that it is the perfect family pet.

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