
The Katahdin Sheep Breeders Goals

By Cornelia Reyes

When looking for an easy and prosperous way to make a living in central Maine, USA Michael Piel imported and cross bred three different African hair breeds with several other breeds of sheep. The resulting animal has become a way of life for the Katahdin sheep breeders. They have found them to be the perfect business opportunity in nearly every part of the country.

These animals are a very good commercial investment because they are very low maintenance and can be maintained on pasture grass nearly year round. They do require some supplemental nutrition to round out their nutritional needs but these are minimal. They produce a lean sweet meat that has become a welcome change to the pallets of many.

Twins, triplets and quads are not unusual for the ewes. They give birth in the fields and the lambs are alert and frisky from birth. The mothers are very protective and nurturing until the lambs are fully weaned at six weeks. Breeding can take place all year long so the flock may double or triple in size every season.

There is no need to dock the tails of lambs because they have been bred to have short tails. The same is true of their coats. There is no shearing of the sheep because of special breeding techniques. While it grows to a thick warm consistency in cold winter months, like a dog the animals shed their heavy undercoats in spring months.

This breed of hair sheep is exceptionally easy to care for, docile and efficient. When properly tended they require very little attention are hardy enough to adapt well to heat and humidity. Their flocking instincts allow them to be easily controlled by man or dog.

Some shelter may be required in inclement weather but it does not need to be complex. Some people plant trees in the pastures for shelter from extreme heat or build a lean-to to help keep them dry in rain or snow. Bedding can be any dry material that is available. Dry straw or wood chips are perfect. If an enclosed structure is used for protection against predators proper ventilation is imperative because moisture and poor air conditions damage the sheep's health.

The most common health issues can be avoided with proper nutrition and a sanitary living space. That being said, you may encounter skin rashes such as sore mouth or ring worms. As with other livestock there are neurological diseases that are serious. All health issues should be treated by a veterinarian at the earliest possible moment.

Katahdins offer an easy path to success for those who are interested. The Katahdin sheep breeders are blessed with the tools to be prosperous in many markets. The versatility of their product leads to meat packers, land owners, dog trainers and other individuals who want to raise these amazing animals. The ease of obtaining their goals is obvious when one considers that their markets are self replenishing and their products are self reproducing.

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