
A Very Strange Pet Reincarnation

By Marissa Velazquez

Pet reincarnation has always been discussed in private for many years. There have been a number of books written about this event and people everywhere wonder about their animal. Sometimes an animal can have the same similar traits of a previous one. Religious people doubt that this can really happen since they believe that Heaven awaits everyone who has just died. They also believe that this particular event only happens to individuals who do not believe in Jesus.

Many years ago a woman in the state of Georgia was the owner of a beautiful Persian cat named Mark who was her very best friend. She would dress him up during the cold winter days and proudly parade him around the park during summertime.

She had recently retired and had nothing else to do with her time except devote it to this cat. All of her family members has met their maker some time ago and this truly left her alone. The nice cat would sit on his chair each night and enjoy "Wheel Of Fortune." This was indeed his favorite show.

When the wheel on this show started to move Mark would move his long tail all around with joy. As soon as the wheel ceased to turn Mark would stop his tail immediately. Over the years this special cat had always done this act.

As time went on this particular cat became sick and it looked as if his days were numbered. His owner was very sad about this but there was nothing that she or the doctor could do about it. She gave him the best care that she could until he finally passed away. The woman was sad and heartbroken over this and she felt as if she would also die.

Out of the blue one of her neighbors offered the woman a brand new kitten that was to be expected within a short period of time. She was so excited over this news and went to purchase a brand new mat for her new cat. It was then decided that if the cat were a boy his new name would be "Ralph." He would have a life that was opposite from his brother Mark. Time passed quickly and this kitten was soon at his new home.

She would no longer watch "Wheel Of Fortune" since it might influence Ralph in a certain way. From this point on they would enjoy comedies together each night. On one particular night she left the television set on a show called "Friends" and went to make a delicious snack. When she came back to the room "Wheel Of Fortune" was playing again. This was one show that she vowed never to watch again during her lifetime.

This pet reincarnation gave her the strangest look which made her shiver. He had also wrapped himself in a sweater that had belonged to her dead cat. She did not know what to do and calmly sat down upon her chair. To make things even worse Ralph was now sitting on Mark's chair and she had originally left him on the floor. Even though she was quite terrified she had decided to keep the cat since he did so many things that Mark used to do. In a way it was very comforting to her.

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