
Common Problems Associated With Livestock

By Lianne Derocco

Caring for livestock, whether it be just a few animals on a small farm or a huge operation is not an easy task. There are many common issues that can arise when one is dealing with livestock, but it is always be best to try the natural approach when solving these issues.

One of the most serious problems you might face is dealing with illness and disease. If you deal with cattle, one serious illness is bovine tuberculosis. This is often spread when deer come into your pasture and contaminate hay and other feed, so limiting their access to your land is key. Other animals also can carry this disease, so it is important to be sure that you limit contact with wildlife whenever possible. Hogs also can acquire serious diseases, such as respiratory disease and sarcoptic mange.

Keep infected animals away from healthy livestock and this includes separating animals that might be recovering from an illness and are symptom-free. In many cases, the animal can still transmit the disease even if they show no signs of illness. Be sure to consult with a qualified livestock veterinarian at the first sign of illness in any of your animals.

Livestock produce a large amount of waste and if the waste is not dealt with in an aggressive manner, it can lead to excessive pollution and illness among your animals. Reducing the waste, as well as crusting and the odors that accompany the waste is an important part of animal management.

Rather than dump large amounts of chemicals into your waste units, consider a natural and safe product like Activator Plus. This product contains only beneficial bacteria which eat away at waste, reducing the crust and organic substances in your pull plug or deep pit waste units.

Agra Spheres are yet another option that are formulated to decrease the sludge, which will limit crusting. This product also will reduce odors and even the flies. The spheres are completely biodegradable, contain no chemicals and each one will treat as many as 60,000 gallons of sludge or deep pit waste.

These products also are veterinarian approved, so you won't need to worry about them harming your livestock. If your waste system is already plagued with crusting that is very heavy, it is wise to treat the waste with the Activator Plus first and then you can toss in Agra Spheres once this has become liquefied.

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