
Overview Of TICA Registered Cattery

By Stacey Burt

Pet is a kept for the purpose of providing company or for the enjoyment of keeper. Unlike laboratory animals for breeding animals or livestock, draft animals, animals for transport or animals for sport; pets are not preserved to bring economic benefits or food, although personal gain (TICA Registered Cattery).

Companion animals are selected for their behavior and adaptability, and its interaction with humans, which may be used as hunting tools or safety. Owning pet can bring positive health consequences as daily care makes many people forget other concerns, prevents depression and makes us feel useful. Animals are the company's most popular dog and cat.

It should also take into account the fear or phobia particular species. They can be purchased various diseases by pathogens transmitted through animal contact, such as cat scratch disease, stomach infections, ornithosis acquired by contact with some species of birds and salmonelosis.

In adaptability and behavior, it is said that dogs as pets, surpass most. Its adaptability has helped man in diverse social, cultural and recreational areas, and therapeutic use in hospitals, as leaders of blind, as police support, and complicated rescuing people. The company of any pet always evokes tenderness, companionship and friendship, qualities which intensifies when looking loneliness seep into lives of people; It is in these moments when the pet becomes more important, to feel part of family and, even more, as a friend paper.

Different animal species that can be kept as pets are recognized; however, there may be legal responses (depending on the country or state) involving trafficking of protected species. There are several domestic and wild species that have been adapted as pets:A pet is an animal receiving the protection of rights in exchange for his presence, his beauty, his joviality or for his talents (singing birds, speakers ...). Because of their long presence in side of man, these pets were often subject to domestication after their taming.

Live animals are likely to assault, conveying serious diseases (rabies and avian flu) or even not to respect the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Endangered Species. The regulation of their movements differ between countries and should check with the embassies services. In general, to travel with a pet, it is prudent to ensure that it belongs to a species or race allowed in country of destination and return.

A large percentage of world population owns pet: is estimated that only 62% of US population has a company. Animal animals most popular company around the world are cats in any variety of species. Owning pet is often translated as an acquisition of responsibilities that you must give the animal everything needed for proper development. To care for pet a proper diet and constant care to avoid him some diseases, and medical care and imitation of their environment is needed natural.

Owning an animal as pet can bring positive effects on human health. The decrease high blood pressure and cholesterol levels and triglycerides in blood are positive physical effects that can bring owning pet company. Social interaction that involves having pet has shown a positive response to mental stress, depression and feelings of loneliness, leading to a placebo effect, which improves the health.

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