
Kamia Kennels - A Company Devoted To Norwegian Elkhound Dog Breed

By Merv Carlson

Kamia Kennels, a British Columbia based company, was founded for the sake of Norwegian Elkhound dog breed. The company is always ready to show their visitors its facility because the living condition and health of their animals (both breeding dogs and puppies) can satisfy even the most difficult visitors.

The breeding pairs and puppies are clearly showcased on their website and appear to be in excellent health and well loved. Another good sign that Kamia Kennels are responsible additions to the Elkhound breeder pool is their knowledge of the history of the breed and the variations descended from Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark and Scandanavia.

Norwegian Elkhound dog owners are encouraged to share their photos of their puppies as they grow. The company puts out a monthly newsletter to update owners and potential owners of what is happening with their own dogs as well as breeding pairs and pups. Their website includes helpful training tips, and they also manage a blog featuring articles, videos and features of dogs they have bred doing what they love to do - hike and romp in the snow!

If you want to have fun and improve your lifestyle positively, consider owning a Norwegian Elkhound dog. Your life becomes more exciting when you have a dog as a loyal companion. You'll have fun moments having the dog doing outdoor activities with you. People tend to be lazy indoor in winter; but summer is coming; to get fit and become healthier, take your dog out of your home and start doing outdoor activities together. Below are some outdoor activities you can do with your Norwegian Elkhound dog.

Jogging is one of the oldest and most popular outdoor activities. The jogging activity will bring even much more fun if you do this with your Norwegian Elkhound dog. You can choose to be a morning or afternoon jogger to arrange time for this exercise. Jogging is popular since it brings the joggers with countless benefits, including losing weight, better mental health, healthier muscle development.

It is believed that hiking with your Norwegian Elkhound dog makes you happier and healthier. In order to do this activity with your dog, you need to prepare a bit before. You should take a backpack with you, for carrying water, hiking boots and some dog shoes, if you know the terrain is going to be rocky. Pack his collar as well, maybe he loves hiking so much that he wants to spend more time doing it.

Kamia Kennels company members are true dog lovers. If you are looking for healthy and well-cared Norwegian Elkhound puppies, check out Kamia Kennels websites for any upcoming litters.

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