
Healthy Pets Help Ensure Healthy Families

By Donna Stone

Mankind has kept domestic animals for hundreds of years. Initially, the purpose of these animals was to serve as food or as labour. Today, however, millions of households cherish tame household animals purely for their companionship and the joy that they provide to the members of the household. These animals can indeed make an important contribution to quality of life of their owners but owners should understand that it is their responsibility to ensure that they have healthy pets.

The health of a family animal can be negatively affected if it does not receive adequate attention and love from its owners. Some animals can develop depression, eating disorder and destructive behaviour patterns. Some animals, such as most breeds of dogs, needs much more personal attention than others, such as reptiles. Owners have to make time to spend with their animals.

The health of any household animal is also directly related to the quality and quantity of exercise he gets. This is especially the case when the animal is caged or kept in a confined space such as an apartment. Some animals, such as cats, rats and hamsters, for example, can satisfy their own exercise needs but others, such as dogs need their owners to exercise them.

The diet of an animal is perhaps the most important factor in his health. Many owners think that they show their animals love by feeding them unhealthy snacks and food not specifically designed for the needs of that animal. An unhealthy diet can lead to obesity and a host of other health problems such as liver failure and heart problems. Any vet will gladly advise owners on the correct diet for their animals.

Other than humans, animals cannot express the fact that they are experiencing discomfort or even pain. That is why it is so important to schedule a regular visit to the vet, even if it is not obvious that the animal is ill. Regular visits for deworming and inoculations will also help make sure that the health of the animal is ensured.

Animals suffering from boredom and stressful situations are often unhealthy. All household animals should enjoy some variety in their routine and animals that enjoy playing with toys should have a variety available to them. Stress can be a killer, too. Owners will quickly learn which situations cause an animal stress and should try not to expose the animal to such situations.

Far too many people adopt animals that will never suit their life styles or the spaces where they will have to live. When a decision is made to adopt an animal, great care should be taken to make sure that the environment is suitable for that animal. Most vets will be more than willing to make a recommendation in this regard. An animal should never be adopted purely because it is cute or fashionable.

Only happy and healthy animals can play the role for which they were intended when they were adopted. This is the responsibility of the owner. Great care should be taken to only adopt animals that will readily adapt to the lifestyle of its owners and to learn as much as possible about the characteristic of the animal concerned.

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