
Ways To Properly Breed An English Labrador

By Amy Hayes

Labrador retrievers can be categorized into two groups which are the English labs and American labs. The differences between them is behavioral and appearances as well. Behaviorally, the English labs are easily trainable and better for non professional owners to keep them as pets or companions during hunting. The American labs are more energetic and being bred to compete in field trials which are suited for owners that are devoting their time and experience into training them. When it comes to English labrador breeders, every individual can choose which of the two categories they suit in.

Many people wanted to become breeders. They pick a certain type of species and breed them to sell to potential customers. Being a breeder is tough and requires certain knowledge and techniques to become successful. They should follow strict rules and regulations so customers will not be disappointed with the species.

Pick a Labrador that represents their breed. They are very friendly to animals and humans alike and outgoing. They are energetic and needs constant time for owners to play with them. They are relatively easy to train. If the breed does not have the attributes, it is not good for breeding. Labradors are never aggressive to animals and humans.

Mate the dogs between the tenth and fourteenth day of the heat cycle. Labradors get into the cycle at least twice a year. The cycle will last between two to three weeks. After the tenth day, let the dogs mate each other every other day for four days to six.

Obtain a breeders license if necessary. Depending on the law where you are situated, you may need to apply for a licensure from the local government and ask for permits. To find out, inquire in your local office and other local law enforcement.

Take the dogs to the veterinarians for examinations. Consult the vet and point out that you are planning on breeding them. Make sure that the vet will run a series of tests to check the dogs blood sugar levels and blood cell counts. Having any potential dangers could endanger the pregnancy or might cause complications.

Get the right cages to house all the dogs. Aside from the whelping box, the cages must house the grown ones, juveniles and other types that are being kept for breeding. The grown ones should be put aside. The juveniles and young ones can fit in smaller cages but transfer them to bigger ones once they mature enough. The cages should be able to let the pups stand up, stretched out and turn around.

Research will be your best weapon. Every breeder must do research and gather as much information any way they can to learn more about breeding a specific dog. They must be knowledgeable about the gains and risks in order adapt to sudden changes. Find the time to gather more substantial data.

Make sure the whole area is secured with fences. The entire yard must be fence out so they will not escape. The dogs can have a free time to roam around the whole area and stay outside for a while.

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