
Overview Of Organic Gourmet Dog Treats

By Lucia Weeks

Acidification inhibits the growth of bacteria and prevents spoilage. As the antibacterial and antifungal agent of moist feed propylene introduced. It has high hygroscopicity and prevents drying of feed. The basis of semi-dry forage - the muscle tissue of animals and fish (organic gourmet dog treats).

Although, by nature, dogs - carnivores in their diet must be present not only meat. That is why food contain not only meat and other protein components, but also many other things that a dogs is not always eat with the same pleasure. Protein added to feed, can be both animal and vegetable origin, with animal protein is estimated higher as better digested animals eat meat. In general, animal protein extracted from cattle, poultry, by-products of poultry, dried eggs, fish, fish meal, meat meal, bone meal and meat by-products.

Meat is preferable to give only beef, with mostly raw. Since many dogs annoying smell of blood and raw meat they refuse, it is recommended to scald it with boiling water or lightly fry. Daily rate of meat for puppies up to a year 50 g per kilogram of body weight. It is desirable to remove the bones from the diet (exception may be soft cartilage in small quantities or boiled chicken neck, previously broken with a hammer). Feeding meat accompanied by mandatory addition of finely chopped vegetables. Adult dogs should be given 200-250 grams of meat a day. Liver, kidney, heart, and the udder should be well pre-boil.

As a source of vegetable protein for use corn gluten, soy products, green alfalfa meal, brewer's dried yeast, flour, linseed meal and germ of wheat grain. To determine the level of protein is important not only the proportion, but also its quality and consequently digestibility.

Raw egg yolks is better to give a mixture of porridge or other products. Crude protein is undesirable, since poorly absorbed. In feed, you can add the eggs, cooked boiled or cooked as an omelet. With a systematic enough meat feeding 1-2 eggs a week.

Before selecting a feed is desirable to consult with your veterinarian or an experienced breeder. Feed is selected in accordance with the age of dogs and its physiological state. You should first buy a small package food to determine whether it is suitable dogs. Switch to dry food should gradually over 1-3 weeks. If the dogs is reluctant to eat the food, you can add the yogurt, a small amount of grated cheese (no more than 10% of total). The food is given as dry and soaked in (normal drinking water) state. You can not mix dry food and natural products in one feeding. Particularly harmful to mix dry food with stuffing.

Separately vegetables are chopped or grated, with the addition of small amounts of oil or cream. Dogs are useful carrots, cabbage, squash, turnips, squash, beets. Excellent vitamin supplement to main feed can serve chopped herbs: parsley, lettuce, dill, onion and garlic feathers. In addition, finely chopped raw garlic on a piece of bread with butter on a weekly basis can provide for the prevention of worms.

Generally, to keep the feed dogs on such harmful because excess hormones, pesticides and additives, as well as amino acid and vitamin deficiency adversely affect the growth, health and appearance of domestic dogs, can cause undesirable changes in their behavior.

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