
Things To Consider When Buying Hay Nets For Horses

By Iva Cannon

Food is a basic necessity. This fact is not only true to humans but also to animals. Horses, which are bigger in size and may do more work than those domestic pets you have at home may require larger food intake. As the owner, you are responsible for making sure that they are well fed at the right time.

Owning a horse for instance is one big challenge. Unlike dogs and cats, you cannot keep them inside your home. You will need to build a barn for their shelter. Hay nets for horses is also one of the consideration. They are used by owners as aid in the proper feeding of the animal. If you think that the current practice you have right now is not that efficient, then investing on this method can be appropriate.

By using nets, the horse no longer has to eat the hay in one go. Instead, it can take its time munching the food at a smaller and lower pace. If you are planning to start using this method, you should first think about the type of material that you need to use. Here are some of the things you can look into when looking for a good one.

Decide on the size. Any size, as long as you can place your desired amount of hay in it is fine. This is why you should identify first the amount of food that you will be serving. Smaller size ones are fine with younger horses since they have lesser food consumption. Bigger ones also have larger consumption.

Holes. There are a variety of designs that you can find in the market. There are those square shaped kinds and the circular and diamond ones. There is nothing wrong with the variation. They can work just fine. You may have to think about the convenience though. Which among them do you think will it be easier for the horse to get the hay.

Quality of the net. You will need something that is very much durable. Remember that you will leave it on the area along with the food. Every now and then, a horse will eat and munch his meal. Unless you buy a quality material, you will soon find it tearing. Having a heavy duty net will not be easily cut off by constant friction.

Mounting style. How do you want to place it. Do you want to hang it or will placing it atop a container be better. How about wrapping the hay with it and letting the animals have their way. There are a lot of design options you can find online. You can also see reviews that will help you identify which method is most preferred by other breeders.

Number of nets. The first question is, how many horses do you have. Experts recommend that you follow a one is to one ratio. A unit for a horse. This will prevent them from fighting over their food. Also, this will help them get into the habit of organizing themselves while eating. Plus, it will be easier for you to identify who among them is not eating enough.

Whether you are a breeder or an owner of one, you are responsible for taking good care of the animal. Make sure that you do your part. Know how you can best serve them their foods and go with it.

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