
General Facts That You May Need To Know About Exotic Shorthair Kittens

By Jeffrey Barnes

When given the choice of a cat or dog, many people would rather have a feline for a pet. The attraction to a cat is because they are independent, fun to be around and most of the time, very lovable. There are many breeds of cats, so there is something for everyone. There are cats that have really long fluffy fur and there are breeds that are known to never grow fur. For those that like being in between those breeds and having a short haired kitten. A breed that is to please people that like the traits of a Persian but do not desire the up keep in a long haired cat are the Exotic Shorthair Kittens.

One of the traights of the kitten is the flat face and big eyes. It looks familiar for good reason. The breed started as a combination of the Persian and the American shorthair in the mid nineteen hundreds. Later it was introduced to the Burmese and the Russian blue. This improved body type was a medium cat with a fairly stocky build.

Because of this popularity, many people started looking into the development of the breed. Many were not happy with the amount of crossbreeding so the CFA, the Cat Fanciers Association, put restrictions of the breeding of the feline. It was no longer going to be registered if it was bred by any other breed besides the Persian. Basically any color of the kitten is acceptable for registration.

Selective breeding and responsible owners have allowed the breed to flourish, keeping the desirable Persian traits. Their big eyes and oval head are very popular among cat enthusiasts. Not only do they have the Persians appearance, they have kept some of their personality characteristics.

Not only do they have the looks of a Persian, the breed also has some of their personality traits. They are known as lap cats because of the enjoyment they get from being on or around their owners. They are often very calm but also have a lively attitude and likes to play from time to time.

A benefit of having a short haired cat is that the grooming practices are almost the exact opposite of a Persian. Because of their short hair, they can keep themselves clean, with an occasional bath given by the owners. Brushing them once a week helps with loose hair and will control shedding and hairballs.

The general health of the breed is pretty good. Due to careful breeding, they are not susceptible to disease. Although because of the shape of their head and face, they do have a few conditions that can be bothersome for the cat and owners. It effects the tear ducts and can often stain their fur around their face which requires regular cleanings with a warm, wet washcloth.

To find more information on cats like these and more, do a little research, especially online. There are a few reputable breeders around the country that will assist in finding the perfect cat in your area.

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