
Animals and Birds

Careers The word "animal" My memory goes back to the mid 70 wildlife documentaries in South Africa entitled "Belle-people 'Some people call them animals," someone would have said the facts better. Their greed, avarice and total indifference of other living beings, man has forgotten the basic fact that the planet belonged to them as well and has the right to live as we do here, with many of them who lived here long before reaching to the scene. ecologists and naturalists often called the bell caution that "man" is part of the chain of living beings invisible ecology and is intended or harmful to live or die with them. We can not eliminate all other forms of life and monopolize the land for us and if we do not stop this senseless killing of wildlife that will soon perish with them. But let us ask the questions most advanced, developed and lifestyle lighting in this country do not have the moral and ethical responsibility for the inferior creatures that inhabit the world, a natural concern that comes from the heart than by the need to keep intact our tribe?

The man in his self-proclaimed superiority called wild animals as creatures and sets unruly or violent behavior as animals and acts. This reminds us of the saying: "If a man kills a tiger, which is the sport and if Tiger kills man who thirsts for blood" What will be remembered in the above equation is that man kills animals. in self-defense only when they are threatened by our intrusion into their habitat, the only exception Tigers are seriously injured by hunters and have the misfortune to live as soft ones, they become too slow and too weak to hunt their natural prey and turn man-eaters. Man kills instead of wild animals just for sport / adventure and show their bravery and making skills sharp view.

While India is one of the richest variety of flora and fauna, Indians are terrible in his knowledge of the wildlife, people can discuss if it is of some importance to have knowledge on this issue and whether it is worth time in a fast paced world. The answer is that we do not drool on magazines carrying stories about the color, food or clothing from our favorite celebrities or sports or like to spend hours in the plain or gossip at work who loves who and who conspires against that. The time and effort invested in developing a better understanding of the planet on which we live and its inhabitants would certainly be more useful and rewarding as regards information meeting unproductive and unnecessary. While stories with animals as main characters, including the famous Panchatantra and Aesop's Fables are a very important part of the fantasy of the child and help drink moral values, it is sad that even adults knowledge of animals and birds based on childhood impressions obtained from them. So, in our opinion, a lion has real qualities, a peacock is proud, a fox is cunning, elephants and snakes are vindictive and have a long memory, while pigs and buffalo are stupid, insensitive and dirty. We must remember that animals / birds are driven by instinct and live naturally, without these traits in normal humans. The only exception might be the attachment that animals, especially dogs have for their owners.

It is an undeniable fact that the pressures of housing and feeding a growing population forced the man to bring more areas under the rules of the culture and that led to a space conflict with animals and are led to deprived of their natural habitat. Although this is a serious issue that deserves careful study by experts and a quick fix, how do we explain the other important factors, such as the senseless killing in the name of hunting, which is considered a sport and poaching for skin the skin or bone, which was a major threat to the survival of wildlife? It is encouraging that awareness of the conservation of wildlife and promotion is increasing, especially among young people, through the efforts of WWF (World Wildlife Fund) or "Save the Tiger" project and the efforts of these agencies has resulted in a significant increase in the number of certain endangered animals in the forests and wildlife sanctuaries species.

If the laws against hunting and poaching rangers solid and alert helped control the population decline of big cats and rhinos, you must also have strict laws to protect animals against cruelty Blue Cross actively participate.

Emaciated cattle buckling under the very able overloaded trucks that climb bridges amid summer heat is still a common sight, with their misery merchants add a little more than a hundred of their portfolios and fat. Ultimately, the only real concern and compassion for animals, either in nature or in our homes and farms that could make their lives better. If you have a pet at home, make sure you are well fed, the water is always at hand, and has room to move and is given regular vaccinations and health care. Do not buy handbags or articles of fur or snake, try switching to vegetarianism that the world is taking notice as a healthier option.

Link: [http://veerakeralam.info/article/551.html]

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Pushya_S

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