Black bears and hamsters have little in common. The black bear is great, the hamster is low. Black bears generally do not make good pets, hamsters do. Bears give birth to one or two babies, hamsters give birth to a litter of 8 or more. Black bears live in deciduous forests, hamsters live in deserts.
How on earth, then, a creature called the "black bear hamster"?
Well, the black bear hamster is a name given to a Syrian hamster with the coat (a word meaning shield) is black non-scientific name. If you see this little creature away, especially if standing on its hind legs, you might think that the animal was a black bear in miniature.
In fact, however, that DNA is exactly the Syrian hamster Mesocricetus auratus hamster DNA. The difference isthat this animal, however, do not have the original wild golden hamster, but it has a color mutation, designated by the genotype (a word that means that the gene for some - in this case, the color of coat) aa, which gives it a black coat. Sometimes the hamster is totally black, but sometimes there are small white spots under the chin and chest. In addition, a black bear hamster is often "middle", meaning that the legs and ankles are white.
Aa fur is a color mutations occur base 11 natural variations of Mesocricetus auratus wild agouti color. Because reproduction, however, in the mid-1990s came a hamster chocolate color, which was the result of breeding (aa) has the natural color of rust (bb). A hamster with this type of layer would have the genotype AABB and is officially known as the chocolate (black) [before chocolate (Sand)]. This hamster is a dark chocolate brown fur with black ears and brown eyes. Since the term "black bear hamster" is the name of a standard, and from the AABB coat can be very dark chocolate (black) hamster could also be called a bear hamster blck.
Another thing to keep in mind is that so far we have only talked about the color of the coat of the animal. We have said nothing about the texture of the canvas itself. So, in fact, a hamster could have a normal layer coat Rex, satin coat, or a coat of long hair.
Rex coated Hamsters were recorded for the first time in the 1970s. A hamster with this type of hair curly hair and curly whiskers. satin coat appeared in 1968. This type of layer seems to change color when you brush in different directions. In 1972, long-haired hamsters first appearance. If you have a long haired male black bear hamster, your hair can reach a length of 4 inches (10 cm).
In summary, then, a black bear hamster could refer to an animal for one of the following layers:
Rex Black
Black Satin
Long black hair
Chocolate (Black)
Chocolate (Black) Rex
Satin Chocolate (Black)
Chocolate (Black) long hair
There are two important points to keep in mind, however, the choice of a hamster.
1) Color and does not determine personality type. You need to assess the temperament of hamster based on their behavior, not their color.
2) Regardless of coat color or coat type, the animal is still a Syrian hamster. Therefore, it should be treated as any other hamster Mesocricetus auratus belonging to the species.
Matthew Alexander Boreau is an animal lover. Write about hamsters and birds. Also sells birds [] and bird feeders [] at the All American Bird houses, a veteran business 100% of the property.
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