Colonies of feral cats take up residence in many communities around the world. In fact, of the approximately 146 million cats in North America, almost half of these cats are wild or homeless. Despite these homeless cats may be able to survive on their own for a short period of time, they still need help. If you want to help feral cats in your community, but you do not know how to do this, consider the following options to help you get started.
Contact the organization of local emergency
You can help homeless cats in your community by contacting the local feline rescue group to inform them that there is a loss of stray cats in your neighborhood. Make sure the group is in contact, in fact, be willing to work with the Wildcats are trying to help, unlike some companies or human shelter and euthanasia capture wild cats they immediately bring in.
Unfortunately, many shelters and rescues in North America are forced to sacrifice adoptable cats to make room for other cats away. About 70% of all cats entering shelters are killed there, with almost 100% of stray cats are euthanized immediately.
Spay / neuter and vaccinate
The number one cause of population numbers of homeless cats smashed a lack of cats spayed and neutered. In fact, a study by the Project spay / neuter wild revealed that only 2% of stray cats are spayed or neutered, which led to 147 million cats kittens born to wander freely every year. To reduce these populations is important for altered cats, especially homeless cats. Therefore, many rescue groups trying to implement Trap, Neuter, Return programs in their communities.
To ensure that your cat does not increase populations of homeless cats, make sure he or she is spayed or neutered. You should also keep your cat away from the disease by ensuring that he / she is currently on all vaccinations. Even if you have an indoor cat, there is always the possibility of escape, so be sure to keep your cat safe.
Volunteer efforts
If you are very dedicated to helping stray and feral cats, consider volunteering at your local cat rescue organization. Some organizations need help right in their shelters, if you can clean the floors and walls, feed the cats at the shelter or help reduce some claws, there is always something to do.
In addition, many organizations are active in the community, especially with feeding stations for feral cats. These stations are often put in a safe place for homeless cats allowed to rest and eat. Volunteers may be asked to see some plants throughout the week to ensure that the cats have enough food, water, warm beds and blankets.
Mobilize and support groups worldwide Cat
Teach others about the value of cats when you have the chance. Wild cats, in particular, have very few supporters and detractors too. Learn about topics and add your voice to the conversation. The best way to learn is to look at the work of other cat lovers and cat rescue organizations around the world. Check their websites, surveys and social media sites to see what is happening in the world of cat rescue.
Show your concern
Do not be afraid to write to their local statutes, provincial / state or federal improve the treatment of stray and feral cats. In particular, please contact your local authorities if you saw someone abuse or misuse of a homeless cat (or any animal for that matter).
Whichever option you choose is right for you, all the help that can be given to the population of feral cats is appreciated relief agencies and helped cats.
Niki Rebin with their parents and Norma Delva has helped more than 3000 stray cats and feral cats through their legs nonprofit sanctuary in his heart. Visit the sanctuary here: Family Rebin worked with cats for over 70 years and we learned a lot of interesting things about cats during this time. Get your cat completely free e-book here:
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