
Some Useful Information On Cavachon Puppies

By William Graham

In the beginning for most new owners they will just rely on standard choices for first time pets. These standard choices are based on purebreds that have been always popular such as the Chihuahua, the Bulldog and the German Shepherd for example. However, cross breeds are also out in the market that are getting quite popular also like the cavachon. If you want to know more about these dogs or cavachon puppies in general, then do read on in this article.

The breed came about in the mid-1990s, or so most people and breeders believe, when a King Charles Cavalier Spaniel was bred or mated with a Bichon Frise. The result of course is a cross breed that is slowly taking the world by storm, most probably due to its cuteness and such. It is a small breed dog that takes sporting traits from the spaniel and non sporting lapdog traits from the Bichon Frise.

When mature these dogs will stand a little over a foot tall and will weigh between fifteen to thirty five pounds, depending on the diet of course. In general they should be fed small breed dog formulas that are made for highly energetic and active dogs like the cavachon.

When taking about temperament, it is really kind of tough to put a finger on it for this breed. This is because it will take equal traits from its birth parents of spaniel and bichon frise, and so you can have mixed results. Either you will get a frisky and friendly pooch, or one that is very aloof and discriminating.

The average lifespan for this dog breed is around 10 to 15 years, which is pretty good considering a dog of its size. The lifespan can also be extended with loving care and maintenance, as well as regular trips to the vet for check ups as it gets older.

Exercise is also important for this breed, due to its sporting bloodline. They should be taken at least for a thirty minute walk every day to stretch their legs, especially if they spend their time mostly indoors. Active playtime is also highly encouraged not only for exercise but for bonding as well. It will have a nit of energy in it, and you as an owner should also have a bit of energy as well.

Many dog lovers, and even some breeders will believe and attest that the fur of this breed is hypoallergenic, but this is not always the case. This is because although the Bichon Frise parent is hypoallergenic, the spaniel parent is not. Thus there is a 50 percent chance that the puppy you will think of taking on may be hypoallergenic or not. If you do suffer from any allergies related to canines, you should do an allergy test first before making a commitment.

In sum these are the basic facts that you need to know about this breed. As such there are other factors you may need to know such as prices and strategies for training among others that you should research on as well. In any case always leave no stone unturned in making yourself familiar with any pet that you choose before making a commitment.

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