
What To Consider Before Buying Egyptian Maus Kittens For Sale

By Lisa Hayes

Currently you may have been intrigued by an advert that was selling some pets, kittens included. You may be in the market for a new or replacement pet and when you saw the Egyptian Maus Kittens for sale sign you have been quite intrigued and are interested in buying one. Before you do so however, you may need to know some facts about this cat by reading through this article first.

This breed that this article is talking about is one quite unique breed of feline. The spots on this cat very much resemble a tree leopard with darkly colored spots or more like a small lynx. It is also one that is quite physically adept, and can run at up to thirty miles per hour, or roughly half of the top speed of a cheetah at top speed.

Many owners of this cat will attest to their belief that the cat has springs attached to its body instead of legs. It is a very active kitty and loves to jump, and quite high at that. It is a pet that must have plenty of space to run in and also plenty of places for it to climb. It should also be kept in a place that must be empty of a lot of things that it can easily knock over.

It is a cat that requires quite a bit of attention, even though it seems to have a reserved and gentle disposition. If the Mau you will get is still a kitten, then it is best that you socialize with it early, and also let it hang around other people. This is especially true if you want your cat to be in competitions in the future.

This is also a breed that loves to eat, and it can get overweight quite fast if you do not keep an eye on the amount it does eat. When it gets used to eating a certain amount, it can in fact refuse to eat if it sees that it is not given the same large amount that it expects. Avoid making it used to eating a lot, by rewarding it wig hugs an cuddles, rather than food and snacks, for being good or just plain adorable and cute.

One quite amazing thing about this cat is that it can actually sing. It will sing in chirps in chortles very much like a bird would when it is excited or sees something new. It will also sing when it shows love and affection instead of purring. It is quite a curious cat when it is young and so one should be prepared for it.

As for it reproducing and such, the breed has quite a long gestation period for any cat. The gestation period will last anywhere from sixty to seventy days. If it does go over this amount of days, one should not lose their wits, as the females give birth quite easily. For an active pair of maus, expect to have at least two litters of kittens a year.

This article has thus shown some important facts for you to consider prior to getting this breed of cat. Remember that being a pet owner takes a lot of responsibility and commitment. Before doing so, make sure you know as much as possible about your potential pet, whatever it may be.

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