
How To Choose The Right Litter Box For You

By Ruth Young

Of all the many positive aspects of having a cat, dealing with their toilet is no one's favorite part. However, it is something that every pet owner has to deal with, so why not make it as easy and as positive as it can be? There are so many different types of litter box available nowadays that it is easy to find one that works for you and your fluffy friend.

There is no right or wrong answer as it really depends on your personal preference and that of your cat. You will quickly discover what you both prefer after trying out a few different options. Starting with the basic, rectangle box, this is the best option for kittens as it is easiest for them to get into and out of and easiest for you to clean regularly.

The next option of box is a deep one. This is very much the same as the basic one, except that it is deeper. If you have a problem with your cat peeing over the side of the box, or kicking litter up all over the room then this is probably the best option for you. It also allows you to put more litter in, so if you want to empty it less often this is a good option for you.

A hooded box makes the whole toilet much more private. This is what some cats prefer, so that they can do their business without anyone watching. It is also much nicer for the humans in the house as it means they don't have to look at the litter tray and it reduces the smell a little as it is enclosed. It is important that it is more than big enough for the cat.

One of the latest advances in cat toilet technology is the self-cleaning option. While the name suggests that this will be the perfect solution to all your kitty needs, they are not completely self-cleaning. Depending on the type, they tend to make it easier to empty out the lumps and keep it fresher, but they still require some human involvement.

One important point to note is the quantity of boxes that you have in the house. The typical rule is that you need one for every cat in the house plus an extra one. However, there are some households where this is unnecessary so you really need to play it by ear and see what your cat needs. It is important to remember that if a cat feels stressed about their toilet it can lead to health issues, so keep an eye on the situation.

One option that is a firm favorite with many pet owners, is to have none. The only down side to this option is that you can't monitor their health by observing their waste. It can take time to train a cat to do their business outside, but it is preferable for the owner and the cat and much better for the environment as it reduces waste.

At first the smell and task of dealing with your cat's toilet can be shocking and unpleasant, but after a while you will get used to it and you won't think twice about emptying it as part of your regular routine. It is important to keep it fresh and keep an eye on their habits, as avoidance of the toilet can lead to serious health issues.

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