
Discourage Burglars With These Home Protection Tips

By Mark Mahaffey

Break-ins are very common in the United States. In fact, one happens every 15 seconds. With break-ins being this frequent, you may feel like there is very little you can do to keep yourself safe. However, the truth is there are several ways that you can improve your home protection and lessen the chance that you will suffer the stress of a break-in.

One of the smartest things to do is to remember that robbers do not like to spend very much time at any one home. The longer they have to work to get into a home, the more likely it is that they will be seen and caught. So, the goal in home protection is to make it slow and frustrating for a criminal to get into your home.

A security fence is the most obvious way to slow down a thief. A fence that is tall and that also has locked gates presents quite a challenge for even the craftiest of thieves! They have to figure out how to get over it or through it, and that takes time. A fence is a great way to frustrate a thief and improve your home protection.

A low tech way of making your home security better is to get a dog that will bark at strangers. If you can get a big dog, that is even better. Robbers are afraid of being attacked by a dog, and that in itself may be enough to make them change their mind about breaking into your house.

And of course since thieves like to work where it is dark, security lighting is a smart way to improve your home protection. Light makes it more likely that someone will see the thief in action, and he knows this. Scare him away with good lighting!

Complete your home protection strategy with a home alarm system. One of the best ways to deter a break-in is to install a security system. Many criminals have said that they would not break into a home if they knew it had a security system installed.

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