
Is Animal Telepathy For Real?

By Amanda Baird

The controversial subject of human to animal telepathy fascinates some, repels others, and is of no interest to many. Spiritual reasons can cause some individuals to reject the matter out of hand, while others may look into it as a way to expand their horizons. Animal psychics currently practice this art all over the world.

Seekers after truth must accept the fact that this topic is very controversial and subjective. Those who want to believe can find a lot of evidence to support their views. Those who do not want to think that animals can truly communicate or who feel that their religious beliefs discourage inquiry on this matter may choose to ignore the subject altogether. However, there is some science that supports telepathic communication between living creatures.

For instance, there were studies done with plant and animal species that showed fascinating results. If tiny shrimp were thrown into boiling water in a closed room, plants in adjoining rooms would show a disturbance in inner electricity which was being tracked by sensitive monitors. Moving the plants into rooms farther away did not change the results. Evidently the plants reacted to moment-of-death emotional responses of the shrimp.

This is disturbing to those of us who eat plants, shrimp, and other organic foods. Of course, we have to eat something, and it does not seem possible to survive on inorganic material. We can be reassured by biblical accounts of the Creator providing plants for our food and Jesus partaking of the Passover lamb. We just have to come to terms with the fact that our food might be sentient.

So why should it be impossible to tap into the thoughts of 'higher' kinds of animals? (It was once thought that single-cell organisms, for instance, were less advanced than more complex organisms. The electro-magnetic microscope and DNA studies have changed that thinking.) It makes sense that creatures that can communicate with each other - like whales and dolphins and migrating birds - could communicate with humans.

Horses are subjects that psychics say they can communicate with. Many owners consult an animal communicator if they feel that they do not understand one of their equine companions. One owner was told that her new horse was wondering where his blanket was. It was true that the former owner had always blanketed the animal in the stall and that the new owner did not.

Christians are warned in the Bible not to consult psychics and mediums, so many believers avoid this subject altogether. However, trying to better understand the feelings of a valued animal is far different from asking for spiritual guidance or advice in making life decisions. There is a gift of knowledge and discernment that many people feel they have received from the Holy Spirit, and it makes sense that this gift could work for all creatures that God has made.

Again, the response to animal telepathy is subjective. It's known that aborigines in Australia have a weird ability to communicate in non-verbal ways with each other and with hunted animals. It's a matter that's fascinating to explore or fairly easy to ignore, as you wish.

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