
Urban Farmers Will Like The Nigerian Dwarf Goats For Sale In Georgia

By Elena McDowell

Urban and suburban farmers have discovered the value of keeping a miniature goat. A dwarf goat is a social animal. It possesses an affectionate and intelligent disposition. It also makes a good companion and some customers only want it for this purpose. No matter what your intention, Nigerian dwarf goats for sale in Georgia are available for you.

American farmers have sought these ruminants because they can be contained in a limited area. As more people engage in urban farming, they look for animals to keep in areas where space is restricted. These dwarves are easily accommodated in a small area. A roaming area of 135 square feet is sufficient for their needs.

Currently, this breed and an older African Pygmy type are the only two diminutive sized breeds existing in America. Many more exist in other countries. Based on information provided by the International Dairy Goat Registry, this bovid is a native of more than one country in West Africa.

Researchers have revealed West Africa has three primary goat sizes. This variant represents the medium sized bovids in this region. The African Pygmy belongs to a larger sized species. This information was revealed in a presentation by I. Mecha and C. C. Agunwamba at the Third International Conference on Goat Production and Disease. At this conference many details were presented in their presentation. The smallest West African goat variety mentioned in their paper is currently not available in the United States.

The goat species as a genus originates from wild Asian and European natives. Over 300 breeds currently exist. For thousands of years humans have consumed or used their hides, milk, meat, and hair. They have also been kept as pets since the 20th century.

Certain terminology is used to identify the two genders and ages. Females are referred to as does. Intact males are identified as bucks. Castrated males are referred to as wethers. Offspring are identified as kids. They may be registered in 2 registries located in America, and in one located in Canada. The American Goat Society and International Dairy Goat Registry are American based registries. Experts believe current trends indicate a bright and profitable future for them. Nevertheless, their numbers are not ballooning at present. Presently about 3500 are registered in America by the American Goat Society, AGS. Showing them has become a growing industry. So far most shows are under the authority of AGS.

Male Dwarves are gentle enough to be used for service by hand breeding. Male Dwarves can breed with many does. Does are usually bred thrice within a couple of years. But, frequency of breeding is a personal choice. A doe may give birth to several offspring during a single pregnancy period. This species matures quickly. They can reproduce when they are young and should be separated as a precaution.

Does may breed at 7 to 8 months of age. Breeders tend to prefer waiting until they are a year old, or a little older. These females will provide a significant amount of milk for their size. Three to four pounds a day is not unusual amount for them. Their milk is sweet and delicious. It contains about 6 to 10 percent of butterfat. Dwarves have coats of many colors. Their normal primary coat shades are black, chocolate and gold. Random white markings, spots and other shades mixed in are common. These shades may change after birth. Color is a major factor of popularity for Nigerian dwarf goats for sale in Georgia.

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