
What Is An Effective Dog Arthritis Treatment?

By Geraldine Dimarco

A common canine condition all veterinarians have to deal with is arthritis. That's right-this is not just for human beings alone. Arthritis in dogs hits one out of four to five dogs and its symptoms and treatment is similar to osteoporosis for a person. The difference is that in people it will take a few years before full manifestation comes; with dogs, it can take as short as a few weeks.

What does an arthritic dog look like? You will know that your pet is suffering from this condition if he displays unusual behavioral and physical changes. He will gain weight, be hesitant to engage in strenuous exercise and has decreased mobility. He will also begin to limp and find standing up from a seated position more difficult.

There are a few kinds of canine arthritis and they are mostly grouped together according to their position skeletally. There are two categories of arthritis and these are the primary and secondary. Primary arthritis is that which occurs naturally to aging canines. The secondary kind is the type the animal develops because of sustained physical trauma.

With all the roughhousing these playful mutts do, we can see why arthritis in dogs is a relatively common occurrence. Definitely we do not want them to suffer any disease or debilitating conditions. Fortunately, anybody can access a great dog arthritis treatment at most specialty stores and online shops.

Make sure you prepare nutritional and healthy meals for your pet. A diet high in nutrient value will ensure that he will have the needed minerals that will keep his bones strong. A good diet and regular exercise will maintain the animal's proper weight and furthermore, improve his general health. A healthy dog with excellent immune system will help fight off any infections and possible sicknesses that arthritis may induce.

Arthritis is the result of the deterioration of the protective covering around the bone in its joints. There are several supplements available that serve to recondition the damaged portions of this covering, also called the cartilage, as well as increase your pet's mobility. Check out sites or ask experts on what is the best dog arthritis treatment that can be used in conjunction to the animal's diet.

Other therapies that deal with this condition are non steroidal, anti-inflammatory pills that function to alleviate stiffness and soreness that arthritis cause. Over the counter animal treatments that contain Guclosamine and Omega fatty acids are known to help relieve the painful effects of this condition. It is important that you consult with your vet regarding what to use before giving your dog any of these drugs.

You must always go for regular visits to the vet to see if your dog is suffering from any disease or sicknesses. If you suspect that the animal might have arthritis, let him have a physical check-up and X-ray as soon as possible. Canine arthritis is a preventable condition that is easily treatable when detected early and given the appropriate supplement. Get the diagnosis and start the treatment plan as soon as you are able.

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