
None Are More Committed Than Oklahoma Pomeranian Breeders

By Kathryn Neal

If you are looking for that perfect puppy there is only one place to look. That place is the Oklahoma Pomeranian breeders. Nowhere else in the country will find such reputable and caring people. Their sires and dams are the healthiest of dogs and the litters they produce are proof of the care that goes into each and every animal.

It is hard to imagine these little dogs are shipped all over the world. Every pup that is born in a litter undergoes a series of tests before they are even considered as an animal worthy of being sold as a pedigree. Like all breeds of dogs, there are some illnesses that this breed is known for. That being the case, the pups are cleared of these illnesses. These breeders a giant step ahead of all others.

Sadly, puppy mils abound. Owners of these places think little of the animal but only of the profit to be made because a certain breed is in demand. In this state with a motto of, "Labor Conquers All Things, " these people take it to heart. The work they put into their animals pays off in health and well being. They love what they do and it shows in the animals they produce.

Loving their animals as they do, these people are quick to understand how a Pomeranian quickly becomes a family member. They not only promise to give you their very best, but in the event of a death they will replace the puppy free of charge. These are rare situations but occasionally genetics, hereditary, or congenital disorders, cannot be foreseen when the puppy is born. It is their intent that you have a long relationship with your little furry family member.

Once the breeders have done their job, it becomes the position of the new owner to take over. There are a number of basics your new pup will need. Healthy food with proper nutrients are a must. Yearly inoculations against canine disease along with a full medical checkup are mandatory. Regular grooming will keep their coats shiny and soft.

What the Oklahoma breeder will do is see to it that the puppy is not only healthy, but contented and happy. It was born into sanitary and safe conditions and cared from that day on. Regulations set forth by the state and federal government are strictly followed. Parents are never bred when they are too young or old to produce the best of litters.

Within a short time after their birth, all puppies are closely examined by a veterinarian. They are dewormed and at the right age they receive their first series of shots to protect them from serious illness. Socialization lessons are learned from spending time with their siblings and other animals.

Oklahoma Pomeranian breeders supply new owners with all medical records and registration papers. Puppies are not placed for sale until they are eight weeks old and a minimum of two pounds. The only thing these people cannot guarantee is how quickly you will fall in love with these adorable pets.

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